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HOA Calendar

Homeowners Association Meetings

  1. BOD Meetings: Second Monday of every month at 7:00 PM, in Room B of the Longmont Senior Center (910 Longs Peak Ave).
  2. Hearings for Rule Violations: Hearings for rule violations are held during regular BOD meetings every month. The agenda for a hearing is: Review of Violation, Presentation of evidence that HOA enforcement procedures have been followed, Homeowner to present evidence and information, Decision(s) by the BOD.
  3. Annual Homeowners Meetings: 7:00 PM on the first Monday each December, at the Longmont Senior Center. If you cannot attend, please fill out a Proxy Form and deliver it to a BOD member or send it with a trusted neighbor who will be attending. Please see our home page "Quick Links" section for the current information

Other Association Events

  1. Bunco Group: Second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM (the first Tuesday in November and December). Call Sabrina Lee for more details.
  2. Book Club: No set schedule but meets every one to two months, depending on participants' availability. Contact Kelly Kucza for more details.
  3. Neighborhood Improvement Projects: This is one way you can help to control and reduce HOA expenses. We have planned a multi-year project to make The Reserve more attractive and to also align with the City's sustainability programs. Generally, the different phases of our project are to make changes to landscaping in different areas of the HOA's Common Areas to help reduce water usage and to upgrade the HOA fence. Ultimately, this will help reduce our ongoing utility, maintenance, and repair costs. Several phases of the project have been completed to date; we hope you enjoy the results! Note that we rely on the efforts of Homeowners in the community to make the project happen. Don't wait for others to do it; we need YOUR help and YOUR vision! See the general (multi-phased) project details here.
  4. Block Party: The Reserve is eligible for grants from the City's Neighborhood Activity Fund, which is intended to encourage strong neighborhoods. We hope you enjoyed the last Block Party. Would you like to help organize next event? Please let a BOD member know you if want to volunteer.
  5. Other Events? Please contact the HOA Secretary to get events listed here.

Meeting Agendas

Board Meetings and general Owner Meetings are open to the public. Owners are invited to attend, participate, and to be heard. Owners may comment during the "discussion" phase of any motion that is on the floor ("discussion" occurs after a motion is seconded and before a vote is called). Owners may also comment on general topics of interest to the HOA at that point on the agenda. The following agenda is generally used for business meetings, although the Board may occasionally add other items. Note also that the Annual Owner Meeting in December has a different agenda, as described above.

Content © 2008-2022 Bill Hallett, Bob Lee


The Reserve Monument